What makes us different?

Creating value through operational and commercial improvement

Transforming business performance can take shape in many ways and across different periods of time. At ATP, our focus is on initiatives that create a step-change in long-term shareholder value but also, of equal importance, place an emphasis on ensuring that benefits can be realised immediately through hands-on implementation and swift execution.

Our key principle

Results orientated

In comparison to more established consultancies, ATP is an emerging brand and our ethos of “only being as good as our last assignment” provides a cultural focus on performance and an immediate return on investment.

Our people

All the team have held senior operational roles, understand the daily demands on a board and most critically the importance of execution.

Commerically pragmatic

Identification and execution of quick wins alongside longer term value creation is matched by the ability to understand the organisations capability to deliver.


An ability to gain the immediate trust and commitment from the management team during periods of significant change and instability created by a change of ownership.


Priorities change, and the ability to adapt the plan but not compromise the benefits is our strength.

Our process

The ATP transformation programme has 3 phases with clear action items



2-4 weeks

Rapid assesment

Initial high-level review

  • Gather initial data
  • Assess potential based on strategy, operations & finances
  • Complete desktop diagnostics review
  • Identify people risks & organisational capability
  • Identify initial Quick Wins

Define high level benefits case

  • Design high level transformation plans with clearly defined benefits that support improved profit and working capital
  • Agree programme support requirements
  • Agree targets
  • Align leadership & launch



100 days

100 Day impact

Begin to deliver value while planning longer-term moves

  • Build the detailed change plan
  • Establish dashboard to measure performance
  • Inject pace and urgency
  • Work with management to work through known challenges and gain buy in
  • Support and supplement management teams to execute ‘value enhancing opportunities’ or ‘solve issues’
  • Activate transformation governance
  • Deliver quick wins



6-12 months

Realise full value

Ensure the disciplined execution of all initiatives

  • Execute initiatives and capture value
  • Measure progress consistently
  • Build team capabilities & recognise success
  • Energise the organisation through clear communication & engagement
  • Ensure the vision is clear to all staff
  • Evolve ways of working and establish new best practice
  • Relentlessly & consistently drive to completion

Our target market

£50m-£500m SME’ s with value creation requirements

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